Saturday, March 7, 2009

Best of Intentions

It has been a while since my last post - and, to be honest, I haven't had too much to say. My life is not an exciting mix of social events and travels, just the daily grind of working 10-12 hours a day and the constant learning experience of being a mother. BUT - I have wanted to post - I do a few things from time to time. And I have wanted to write about them, and, I have started to write about them. In fact, on my other laptop I have saved three drafts of different posts. The car show (dreaming about all my future rides), new boyfriend (he's the best), Megan growing up, you know, that sort of thing.

Then, last night, as I was surfing for pictures of Miley Cyrus (Megan is off to the hair salon today), I started to get viral warnings - "Your computer is at risk" "Scan now!" "Danger, Will Robinson, danger!". OK, so I'm just kidding about the Will Robinson bit, but you get the drift, right? Suddenly, I can't close anything out, and hundreds of pop ups start swamping my screen, so I hard boot, figuring I will stop it from spreading (wishful thinking, I know!). A few minutes later, I re-boot, log on and...I am stuck in a boot cycle, logging on, logging on, logging on again. That's it, a crash and I can't even log on, I am done.

I have never experienced a computer issue that I could not resolve, never! I can usually fix them, cause they are usually minor. I am super careful about what I open, download and view. Surfing for Miley Cyrus pictures? Seriously? Dude, it's not like I am some kind of perv, and typed "naked miley cyrus" - just "images of miley cyrus".

This all started cause Nicki sent us an email of Milly & Miley, and Megan loved Miley's hair color. Those pictures did not show it very well, so off I went, surfing the internet for more Miley Cyrus pics.

Quick side note - Nicki is one tough cookie, and I am sure that Milly continues to fight because she see's the example of strong women around her, goddesses who preserve the true nature of womenhood through their work and actions. Nicki had a great example to learn from as well, her mother. Here's a shout out to the whole Broby family - the best example of family I have been blessed to know.

Well, that's it, half written posts are locked on a system that has crashed. Pictures of Megan, Tony and I having fun at the car show. Pictures of Megan growing up, becoming a beautiful young women, pictures of other random stuff, GONE!!!

OK, so not really gone, I can take the laptop into a computer shop, who will charge me an arm and a leg to find my stuff, and hopefully, put me back in touch with it, but, let me get back to my original point...sometimes, it's hard to keep up, even with the best of intentions.

I spend 50- 60 hrs a week in front of two monitors, researching and resolving investor questions, reviewing loan docs, reviewing sql queries for data requests and reports, and reporting on it all. When I get home, and on the weekends, I generally am not motivated to sit in front of yet another computer, and write a post about my so called life.

However, my life is good, in fact, it's great. Megan is growing up, and coming into her own. She is strong willed, and somewhat stubborn. She doesn't like to study or do homework, and is only just realizing that she is pretty smart.

I am dating a wonderful guy, who is respectful, responsible and motivated. As an added bonus, he is really cute! We are looking to move, and become a family of our own. That'll be exciting, right?

That's it for now - until the next time I realize I have left this too long, and think of something to say. In the meantime, take of you and yours, and keep posting, cause I do love to read what you write.


Brandy said...

YAY! a post from Sioux. So sorry to hear about the computer problem, that's probably why I have Darren on my friend list on FB... ;-)
I'm so excited about your "new" family. I got goosebumps! Love you girl!

Sabra said...

I have missed you! I want to hear more about the guy, of course!