Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have been thinking about adding a playlist for a while. I see them on my friends sites, and I always think they are so telling. Personally, I think that the line "Eyes are the windows to the soul" is a bunch of crap - music is where it's at. Listen to some music, relax and focus on your true self. Not the person you want others to see, but the person you are inside, the person you care about, the one you protect at all costs, the one you share only with those you trust deeply. Ha, for me, that's not too many!

If you really want to get to know me, then listen to my music. I think this list is a pretty good expression of who I am - and it ain't neat, tidy or organized! I really love music, I mean, LOVE music! And I know exactly where it comes from - both of my parents are music lovers, dancers, who love to feel the rythm and let go. My brother, yep, he's the same way. We all love to dance. And this is where some of this music becomes so important, cause dancing doesn't count unless you FEEL it, right? The beat that gets your body moving, flowing, pulsing through you, to the point where you just can't sit still, you can't help but smile, cause you know what's about to happen. Just let go, let it take control for a while, let it move your body and your soul.

And that brings me to another point, the soul. I do believe in it, I can't help but believe. Why? Cause I am emotionally attached to it, that's why! When I am sad, and I really want to wallow in my sadness, I play something sad. However, when I am sad, I usually don't like to let it take control, so I play something happy, something that touches my soul and tells me "This too shall pass", so be strong! You may have noticed that almost all religions use music as a part of their ceremonies, services, etc. Whether it is hymns or chanting, music can awaken your soul to a whole new level of being. To put it in plain english, it makes you feel. Feel what? Just feel, alive, happy, hopeful.

I hope you like the music, I know, AC/DC may not be your thing, but I bet there is at least one song on this list that is. And since I saw fit to have them all co-habitate on one list, the least you can do is give them a listen. Let me know how it makes you feel, even if you feel like I am the goofiest person you ever met (the pleasure's all mine!), at least I made you feel!

1 comment:

Shy Little Violets said...

I dig a lot of the same music. Kate Bush is one of my favorites, she is so free with her music I love it. I too grew up in a very musical family, we all play the piano and at least one other instrument as well as sing so I appreciate music on the whole.